WE Get it done!
The project size is not a factor as long as you have a great plan of execution.
It all starts with knowing your business.
Why Have Insurance Backing?
Did you know not all warranties are insurance backed (some warranty companies only provide dispute resolution services and don’t even provide claims administration or pay for covered defects)? In addition, ownership by an insurance company doesn’t necessary mean backing from an insurance company.
Insurance backing is a critical component of warranty coverage as it provides additional protection for you and your homebuyer in the event your warranty company becomes unable or unwilling to pay their financial obligations regarding claims.
Every warranty sold by StrucSure Home Warranty is insurance-backed by Golden Insurance Company, RRG. Coverage also includes additional reinsurance backing by A-rated Lloyd’s of London, the world’s leading specialist insurance market.
These two layers of backing give additional confidence and peace-of-mind to our members that if a high number of claims or a major loss were to occur, we would still be able to meet our warranty and financial obligations.
When developing your risk management strategy, make sure you fully understand your levels of protection and who is standing behind you and your company. If it isn’t clear, ask questions to learn more.
Owning a home is a keystone of wealth, both financial affluence and emotional security.
Commercial Building
We can provide that information. Email us or give us a call and let us know what you’re thinking.
Building People's Dreams
Protecting that trust
We can provide that information. Email us or give us a call and let us know what you’re thinking.